I had a problem with the Build 1237 Update file. I used the Check for Update tool in Build 1237 to check for for an update. T downloaded without error, but when I started the Update using Run as Adminstrator, the file extraction progess bar completed. However the actual setup did not launch.

In case the download file was corrupted, I again used the Build 1236 Check for Update Tool and redownloaded the file. I use Save As and save the updater to my Sidiary Download directory. Once again the file extraction progress bar completed but Setup did not launch. I also found that Check for Updates closed SiDiary 6 PnP, but did not close the SiDiaryWP.exe process. The SiDiaryWP still running issue also occurred with Build 1236.

The News add-in has not notified me of newer updates for either Build 1236 or Build 1237.

I discovered that the extracted files were in a user temp folder, so I manually copied the "Copy to PC" folders and contents to the PnP USB stick, overwriting existing files.
Build 1237 launched successfully. However, I've discovered several issues with 1237:
- Alarms do not pop up when SiDiary6 is running but minimized
- When I select another tab from the Detailed Log Book page, the new tab (such as Statistics or Trends) are not elevated to the focus. I have to manually click on the desired tab to view the Statistics Graph, etc.
- On the Statistics page, when I have selected a graph such as a one week line graph, and another option such as my "Joërg Add-in", the Add-in does not display, even though checked in the Add-in option. I will e-mail a screen shot of the error.
- When I close the Statistics tab, it does not close, just loses focus. I have to click the "x" to close the tab several times before the tab actually closes.
- There is a phrase in the Help file for Doctors Lists (I think) that is in German. In the Help file I cannot use the integrated Translate tool or report the phrase that needs to be translated to English.
- I cannot print Doctors Lists. I could find nothing in a search of the local Help file or On-line Help, FAQs, or the Forum. It would be helpful to add a QuickPrint function for Doctors Lists or a Report Template. I keep detailed notes of things to discuss with my Diabetologist but need to print those notes to take with me, rather than re-enter them in a Notepad or Word file.
Otherwise, I still a very satisfied SiDiary6 user!

Thanks for any suggestions on how to correct these issues or work-arounds. Perhaps some can be addressed in Build 1238 or the following Update.
Warm personal regards,
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Google Chrome
LG Optimus M LGMS690 Android 2.2.1 Smartphone
OneTouch Ultra 2 Blood Glucose Monitor