Hi all,
I've been a user of "DiabeticPIM" (
www.pocketdiabetic.com) for a while now, and it has most everything I need. However, the things that are lacking are significant enough to start me on investigating other options. The missing piece was being able to specify a different insulin/carb ratio for the morning than what I had for lunch & dinner. It was a single ratio for the whole day, which wasn't working for me!
This package looks great, and it's FREE! Thank you for your time & efforts - it is much appreciated!
I'm trying to get used to the new interface (old habits die hard). Regarding the "remark" field - not sure of the best way to phrase my question. With the other software, I was able to add a comment to any blood sugar value, as well as a stand alone comment (noting change of infusion set, particular stress, or anything else worth making note of) independant of anything else. Does the remark field in SiDiary work similarly?
How does everybody make note of exercise?
I'm sure I'll have lots more questions as I start using this more.
Thanks for your time!