Autor Thema: Hallo bcolloty  (Gelesen 8854 mal)

Offline bcolloty

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Re: Hallo bcolloty
« Antwort #10 am: August 06, 2004, 10:46 »
Hi All,

Thanks for the welcome...
Apologies for the delay in posting - as you seem to have guessed I don't speak or read german at all and subscribed to the site to view the SiDiary english group.
Hopefully it's ok to post in here in English - I did consider translating it into German with Google but if it's as bad at English-German as it seemed to be at German -English then I think I'd just give everyone a good laugh ;)

I stumbled on SiDiary from a Google search and think it's great - finally a better use for my Pocket PC than an address book. I'm a 33yo male - Type 1 Diabetic - control has been a bit lacking in recent years so am making an effort to get it back under good control - new insulins and all...SiDiary is helping me out on this front - all kudos to Alf on a great product.

Feel free to try out your english on me or if you post in German i'll run it through Google and with any luck will get a vague idea of what's going on ;)

Take care,


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Re: Hallo bcolloty
« Antwort #11 am: August 06, 2004, 13:18 »
Hallo Brendon!
It's nice to have you here.  :super: Yes my English is bad, but I will try to write to you.  ;D Were do you live? In New Zealand?
Who is it with Diabetes there. Which Insulin - I hope its right in English - do you use?
Yes SiDiary is also in English there, and I think Alf can speak English very well. If there are mistakes in my thread please excuse, maybe I will learn English und you will learn to speak German?  :ja:
But I will hope we will understand each other!
Yes I know the Translations of google are sometimes very funny, but I think you will understand a little bit of it.

 :unschuldig: LGAngela :unschuldig:

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Re: Hallo bcolloty
« Antwort #12 am: August 06, 2004, 13:59 »
Hi Brendon,

thanks for helping me out in this thread! ;)

When they asked for your gender, I just told them that you are male. But since they wanted to know where I could know this from, I ran into problems...
So I decided to tell the people about my great capabilities for clairvoyance, fortune telling and dowsing... :balla: :zwinker:

Great to have you in the show!

@Angela: In fact my English isn't good at all but I decided some weeks ago to just write my stuff down instead of thinking about prepositions and grammar. I'm sure that a native speaker will find tons of funny expressions but I hope that they can figure out the main informations...  :zwinker:
Otherwise every posting or writing an email will last an hour... :nein:

Bye, Alf.
DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
Diabetes Software, Windhorst, Helden der Kindheit

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Re: Hallo bcolloty
« Antwort #13 am: August 06, 2004, 22:51 »
Hi Brendon,

Hopefully it's ok to post in here in English -

I think it's oK to post in english  :ja: because if anybody does not understand it he can consider it as you did  :nixweiss:(for esxmple with google). I hope we have interest discussions in the future! :super:

Ludwig :ciao:
SiDiary Win32, SiDiaryPPC,WinXP SP3 oder Win 7 + Firefox 3.5

Als ich ein Bursche von 14 war, verhielt sich mein Vater so überheblich, daß ich es kaum aushalten konnte, mit ihm zusammen zu sein. Als ich 21 wurde, war ich doch erstaunt, was der alte Mann in sieben Jahren dazugelernt hatte! M. Twain

Offline bcolloty

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Re: Hallo bcolloty
« Antwort #14 am: August 23, 2004, 00:38 »
Hi again,

thanks again for the warm welcome everybody.

I live in Hamilton which is a little over an hours drive south of Auckland, our biggest city.
Hamilton is pretty tropical most of the time - lots of ferns and palms and the grass never stops growing.
Originally I come from Dunedin which is in the South Island with a much more temperate climate - they get a few light falls of snow there in the winter but is still pretty mild by Northern Hemisphere standards.

Currentrly I'm taking Ultratard as Basul Insulin and have just switched from Actrapid to NovoRapid - am enjoying the increased freedom that Novorapid gives me but still haven't quite got my control where I want it. Am having to lower my values slowly as otherwise it affects my eyes...SiDiary is helping heaps with this as I can slowly adjust my target values downwards every couple of weeks.

I've been taking a leaf from Alf's book the last few weeks and have written myself a Carbohydrate counting application for my Pocket PC that is making it much easier to work out my insulin doses - maybe when it's a bit more polished I'll make it available somewhere for download. Assuming there would be some interest in this. If anyone wants to get hold of me directly my e-mail address is

Well...better get back and do some work that I'll actually get paid for.

Take care everyone...


Offline Angela

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Re: Hallo bcolloty
« Antwort #15 am: August 23, 2004, 23:02 »
Hi Brandon!
I thought you wold have an insulin which we do not know here in europe. But this insulin we also have her. fine. I also take novorapid and i like ist.
Tropical...... :narr: oh fine. I always tell everyone, if i have someday very much money, I would leave Austria to go somewere were there is summe, sun and sea...... but my problem is, I have not enough money to do this.  ;D
Ok I hope you didn't work too much.  ;D and I hope you will write again, a good chance for us to learn better english.  :super:
 :unschuldig: LGAngela :unschuldig: