SiDiary => SiDiary English => Thema gestartet von: jenny am Mai 06, 2007, 11:43
In the 'Statistics' area when you click on the text screen (where you get the list 'Number of values' ending with 'Number of hypoglycemia') my result for hypo's is always shown as '0/0'.
Is it possible to get it to show how many times one has been hypo? - and would the level for that be any reading under 4.0, or 3.9, or what??????
Thank you!
Hi Jenny,
the hypoglycemia counter counts values, which you've marked as hypo. To mark a hypo you need to add '-' (single minus for a calm hypo feeling) or '--' (double minus for a heavy hypo feeling).
You can track your bg as ususal and then add the minus sign, e.g. '56-' or '44--'. But you don't need to enter an actual bg. You also can track the minus sign(s) only.
Hope this could help?
sorry Joerg,
Of course, I should have said 'thank you' for your responsebut a month later, I still can't see WHERE to put those minuses - do you manually enter them next to the meter reading? eg 2.7- or 1.8-- ?
Sorry again to be 'stupid' !
(...) but a month later, I still can't see WHERE to put those minuses - do you manually enter them next to the meter reading? eg 2.7- or 1.8-- ?
Well, as far as I can recall, that's the correct way.
Just try it ;-)
jenny, I entered the "-"s dependant on how bad my hypo felt after the 2.2 or 3.9 & so on, in the stats page i found that after 5 hypo's of which 3 were "--" i had a 5/2 showing i hope this is of some help as i had to try a few times to get them to show? good luck with it........Wully
sorry shoul read 5/3 must go and check my bg.
Thank you for your help - again!
So now I have manually entered all my '--' or '-' and even '---' in some cases.
In the last 6 weeks it is showing 169 tests recorded, hypos 3/21 (I suppose I have 21 recorded)
-"- -"- -"- 4 weeks, 116 tests, hypo 2/12 (I suppose I have 12 recorded)
2 weeks 58 tests, hypos 0/8 (I have had 8)
1 week 29 tests, hypos 0/3 (I have had 3)
I am obviously even more stupid than I ever imagined! - because although I have just about realised the second figure is the number of hypo's I have actually recorded, I really cannot understand what the 3 in front of the 21, or the 2 in front of the 12, means????
As you see I do seem to have quite a few hypos (or does everybody???) - so getting to the bottom of it is very important to me.
I thought I was 'on the way' to getting it sorted out, by splitting my daily 16u Lantus dose 50/50 night and lunchtime, that gave me hypos about 7-30am so I was being late for work, so hospital said 3 weeks ago, change it to 6 at night and 10 at lunch, that didn't solve it and work weren't at all happy about it, I would have liked to let it run another week or so, then 'tweak' it again, but that left me feeling I had to do something and so I changed it a week ago to 8 morning and 8 before dinner - now I am frequently high, as well as having hypo's - but seems to be more in the evening. I am trying to balance my Novorapid with that, but my body's requirements don't seem to be following any kind of pattern now so I don't really know what I am doing, with some difficulty I am trying to stay calm* and work out if there's some sort of a trend. My GP passed me over to a DSN as he wasn't sure; she's very nice and helpful but can only see her inside working hours which is a problem to me at the moment, hospital consultation cut short because lots of people with appointments waiting.... so looks like it's down to me.
*I am having quite a lot of difficulty staying calm at the moment! Sorry!
Thank you for your help - again!
So now I have manually entered all my '--' or '-' and even '---' in some cases.
In the last 6 weeks it is showing 169 tests recorded, hypos 3/21 (I suppose I have 21 recorded)
-"- -"- -"- 4 weeks, 116 tests, hypo 2/12 (I suppose I have 12 recorded)
2 weeks 58 tests, hypos 0/8 (I have had eight)
1 week 29 tests, hypos 0/3 (I have had 3)
I am obviously even more stupid than I ever imagined! - because although I have just about realised the second figure is the number of hypo's I have actually recorded, I really cannot understand what the 3 in front of the 21, or the 2 in front of the 12, means????
As you see I do seem to have quite a few hypos (or does everybody???) - so getting to the bottom of it is very important to me.
I thought I was 'on the way' to getting it sorted out, by splitting my daily 16u Lantus dose 50/50 night and lunchtime, that gave me hypos about 7-30am so I was being late for work, so hospital said 3 weeks ago, change it to 6 at night and 10 at lunch, that didn't solve it and work weren't at all happy about it, I would have liked to let it run another week or so, then 'tweak' it again, but that left me feeling I had to do something and so I changed it a week ago to 8 morning and 8 before dinner - now I am frequently high, as well as having hypo's - but seems to be more in the evening. I am trying to balance my Novorapid with that, but my body's requirements don't seem to be following any kind of pattern now so I don't really know what I am doing, with some difficulty I am trying to stay calm* and work out if there's some sort of a trend. My GP passed me over to a DSN as he wasn't sure; she's very nice and helpful but can only see her inside working hours which is a problem to me at the moment, hospital consultation cut short because lots of people with appointments waiting.... so looks like it's down to me.
*I am having quite a lot of difficulty staying calm at the moment! Sorry!
as far as I'm aware the hypo scale should be "1-=slight hypo" and "2--= strong HYPO" I dont know if the "3x---" you entered would be recorded but the 2 /12 would mean 12 strong hypos and 2 slight hypos, I was told that a hypo at night meant that you had to reduce my night lantus by 2 units straight away and watch it for 2 days to see the results before doing anything else with it I dont know if this is of any help, but keep trying you'll get there I'm sure,
good luck with it!!!!
sorry should have said that after an early hypo i.e & reducing night lantus you should do a 3:00am blood test sounds like torture to get up at that time but for peice of mind it helped me no end.
good luck again
as far as I'm aware the hypo scale should be "1-=slight hypo" and "2--= strong HYPO"
Well I just thought, I'd see if SiDiary let me do that, and it did - but will manually check later to see if it has 'counted' it correctly. I know little scientifically about hypo's - for instance I know that anything under 4 is hypo but I haven't counted 3.9 as hypo, just everything under 3.9. So I used 3.0 - 3.8 as "-" ; then 2.5 - 2.9 as "--" and anything 2.4 or under, as "---". I usually don't even know about it AT ALL until I am below c.3.5 - when I might start wondering and test! I often start to treat the hypo before I test; I judge that to be more urgent than extablishing the actual meter reading!
sorry should have said that after an early hypo i.e & reducing night lantus you should do a 3:00am blood test sounds like torture to get up at that time but for peice of mind it helped me no end.
Well this is tricky as what happens is, I wake up with the alarm clock (I could sleep for England sometimes!) then feel groggy as I stagger to the toilet, but that could either be sleep or BS, it's only when I stand up again that my body actually tells me which is which. Then I test my blood. (Maybe it would be more sensible to leave my meter in the loo, and do both things simultaneously?) So I don't know what actually wakes me those days - is it the alarm clock, the hypo, or my bladder!!
And is my blood sugar on the way UP, or on the way DOWN? - I've never wanted to risk waiting another 10 minutes to find out!
And although Lantus is not supposed to 'peak', it's not supposed to last less than 24 hrs either, according to the manufacturers. And since it does not last me 24 hours (but I do not know how exactly how long it does last), what is to say it does not also 'peak'? and how will I know if that happens?
So should I carry on for a bit and see if it improves, or go back to the lunchtime/night regime - and if I only have 4 at night, I guess I leave lunchtime as 10?
I really feel annoyed at having to ask such questions on internet forums, but it seems I have no other choice!
Sorry should have said that, how bad your hypo feels depends on how you rate them,3.9
would be ignored by me if I did'nt feel hypo but 2.8 definately=-- anything under that totaly out of it. lol
I was told that Lantus reaches its optimum level after about 2 hours then "tables",stays steady for the rest of it's duration, which I believe can be anything from 6 to 12 hours, and reducing glucose levels by about 1-3 mmol's per hour, therfore giving a background amount of Insulin to aid the fast acting you may be taking, but please ask your Diabetic Nurse to confirm this, as it is as I'm, sure you are aware, differant for each indevidual.
My meter Freestyle Mini has an alarm built in that I use if I have to be up for the 3:00 test, maybe yours has the same?
I see from your profile that I am on the same Insulins as you, I take my injections 3 times a day which I expect is the same as you were before they changed you regime,I can only say that, blood results are very important to me to detarmine what the Novorapid is doing to my bg's and that I can lower my bg,s over night by as much as 8-9 mmol's with 12units of Lantus.
This is differant for you, as any other diabetic, so I would suggest you keep checking your bg's and make sure you have enough carbs before you go to bed.
I dont know if this helps but, dont let it get you down, you control your diabetes not it controls you!!!!
hope this helps
I wonder if one is supposed to be 'non compus mentis' at 2.8? I've got out of the car, gone into the house, felt a bit odd, tested and been 2.5! I swear I felt OK up to then - I had even done my customary 7-point turn on our drive avoiding parked car, caravan and the fence!! Since then I usually test when I get to the car!!
And the day I hypo'd at my desk work I was completely aware of everything that was going on, the people round me, their conversation, them ringing the ambulance, I even told them which number to ring my husband on. I can still hold a conversation at below 1.8!! - don't know if it makes any sense to anyone else though LOL After that I can remember thinking, I really hope no-one tries to remove my denture - how terribly embarassing that would be! They were told to get me off my chair and lie me down, took 4 blokes to do it. Apparently, I was rigid. I know I couldn't speak or move anything by this time. (They were told by the Ambulance service to remove any false teeth - manager knew I have some, but told me afterwards the way my teeth were clamped together, she decided not to risk being bitten at the time. Clearly my jaws were still in touch with my brain, even at that stage! LOL)
Paramedic arrives, pricks a finger, says 'it's giving me NO reading', puts a drip in my arm. I start coming round, they put me back on the chair. Conversation with paramedic.
Ambulance arrives - they make me walk down 2 flights of stairs and up the road to where they had parked. Couldn't even lie down in the ambulance and almost crashed the thing when I started to cry and was shaking uncontrollably with cold (all quite normal for me, they were very lucky I didn't throw up as I normally do!) Took me into A&E, sat me in a corridor, found a drip-stand, took their blanket and buggered off.
Husband arrived. Found a nurse, demanded another blanket. Half an hour goes by, he goes and finds a nurse. She pricks my finger, says "7.5 - I'll take the drip out and then you can go home" Husband says, "But she'll need something to eat!" Nurse, "She'll have to wait till you get home". End of hospital visit. My husband was just about to argue with her but I told him I hadn't got the strength for it, so he took me straight from the hospital to McDonald's drive-through just up the road.
So I would like to avoid that happening again if at all possible!
Would be interesting to know, at what point do other people lose consciousness?
the hypo counter in SiDiary doesn't count hypoglycemias, but the hyposymptoms you've felt. And there are only 2 ways: - or -- (light and heavy hyposymptoms).
If you enter 2.5--- it would be count as the same as 2.5--
You can have a normal BG with hyposymptoms as well as a low BG without hyposymptoms. The medical definition of a hypoglycemia is "every BG lower than 50 g/dl or 2.8 mmol/l is a hypoglycemia; symptoms or not".
Hey Jenny
What was your blood after the McD's, about 20'ish mmol's ?
I know what you mean about the cold, I've driven my wife crazy with teeth chatter,
and shivers on many occations lol. I dont know how she puts up with me at the best of times.
One quite seriouse thought, if I may, dont you test your blood before you drive???
I only went out the game once, but my wee wife, who is a marvel managed to get me round just as the paramedics arrived and did'nt need hospitalized, my blood was 1.9 when they got there, but I could answer them and I knew who I was and where I was.
Thanks to Lugozade and th' wife went and had lunch, shivering all the way, nearly scolded myself with coffee,managed to shake a couple of sandwiches down my throat and with a bg of 25.6 some 2 hours later, drove home, heater in car on full blast, but no more shakes.
Its a curse, lol
Thanks Jorg (sorry, no umlaut on this British keyboard!)
Thank you for educating me - up till now I always truly believed that 'under 4' was hypo, didn't even know the 'clinical' definition was 2 point something (it varies from 2.2 to 2.8 on the websites I have trawled since reading your reply!) Of course I do realise the 'difference' ie if I am under 4, I need to do something about it immediately whereas if someone 'normal' was 'normally' a bit under 4 - then that would be 'normal' LOL Isn't this internet a wonderful thing?
Fortunately I have also got a VERY understanding husband, who even knelt on the floor to administer a glucagen jab to me when he had a broken leg, a broken collarbone and (at the time undiagnosed - long story, don't ask!) 5 broken ribs and a collapsed lung. Thank God. (we won't mention the projectile vomit either LOL)
I had a number (but isolated) of 'ambulance/hospital' incidents during the period 1972 - 1998, I had a fairly spectacular one about 5 years ago whilst out with my husband, we weren't far from the hospital where we were but unfortunately we were on the motorbike, so he had to call an ambulance. The A&E doc told us we could get a Glucagen kit on presecription, so we did. At the time I was on Humulin which turned out (after me suffering a number of 'close calls) to be a faulty batch!!!
My doctor said it couldn't possibly be the insulin because it was clearly 'in-date' - I was at my wits end because my BS was swinging all over the place. In desperation I consulted the pharmacist at Boots - who immediately telephoned Eli Lilly - who instantly slapped a recall notice on it!!
Since the last time I renewed my prescription (April 2005) it hasn't been used. (Exp April 2008!)
I have no idea now what my BS was after the McDonalds (that incident was about 2 yrs ago) - I always 'largely' ignore the after-effects of a hypo (and the treatent thereof) for several hours (or overnight if they occur in the evening) because I have absolutely no idea at what stage, or how much, the glucagen 'dump' from your liver affects the BS - or whether there has even been a 'dump'. I didn't even know about 'liver dump' until the doc at telford explained it to me! Does it ALWAYS happen after your BS reaches a certain level; what is that level, how long after the drop in BS does it happen, how much does it increase your BS??????
And is there any definitive info I can get, to tell me how many grams of carbohydrate are in a banana thickshake? I usually avoid them - but it would be nice, just to be able to indulge myself 'once in a while' without pure guesswork!!
I do know that the other evening about 45 mins after treating a hypo (1.9) I had a sudden 'hot flush' and remember thinking 'Oh no - I thought I was over that!' - as I am a woman of a 'certain age' LOL - then I wondered if it was caused by 'liver dump'? (And if so, how many times in the recent past when I woke up during the night with a 'hot flush' - was it actually really a hypo?)
I carry Lucozade too, as I can usually drink quite easily. (and have a large handbag LOL) I do find it difficult to chew, just after a hypo though - I bet those sandwiches tasted like sawdust! Best for me by far, is something sloppy (eg Weetabix & hot milk) or a few eg. digestive biscuits dunked in coffee.
And yes, I do USUALLY test before driving - always in a morning before I go out, or if I am taking a 'non-commuting' drive at any time - but it's the coming home from work drive when testing is not automatic. Always seem to be in such a rush to get out of the building so they can lock up, (and I'm always very pleased to get out of there, let's be truthful!) then 5 min walk to the car - I usually think 'sod it, I feel ok .........' I know I shouldn't; perhaps confessing this on here will make me see the error of my ways. It's not the fear of crashing the car or damaging myself (would be my own fault) - it's the danger of who I might take with me, of course.
Yes, I feel VERY guilty indeed now, and promise to do it, starting tomorrow!
And I decided to go back to the previous timetable so today I had 'usual' Novorapid with breakfast & lunch, 10u Lantus at lunchtime and will 'do' 4 tonight - and see what happens.
Thanks again for your support.
sorry if my last answer sounded cheeky in any way,I too have glucogen script and thankfuly,never had to use it, spouses rule, dont they?
As far as milk shakes go,McD's=70 grms of carbs,regular ouch! heavy!!!
I used to try anything to get my bg's up after a hypo,tins of custard,Mars bars, any sweets I could get my hands on..he he lol, to get over it as fast as possible, it is only recently that I found out that, sweets are not the best to combat hypo's as they take too long long to come into effect! and that fast carbs i.e Lugozade,should be followed by slower acting, steady carbs like the dreaded but effective digestives lol 30 years and still finding out, what chance have you got? and yes, the sandwiches were a bit minging llol
I'll keep an eye out for your posts and hope your bg's/Insulins seatle down soon
good luck with it
Gott in Himmel, mein Precioussssss!!!!! 70g - EEEEK!!!!!
By the way: her is a list of McDs food: http://www.dwlz.com/Restaurants/mcdonalds.html