SiDiary => SiDiary English => Thema gestartet von: efb am Februar 02, 2006, 19:34
I recently started using SiDiary and have found it extremely helpful. I do have a problem though. I have the program set to automatically update the entry time when entering BG readings. On the PPC, the times sometimes appear not to enter correctly. If I make an entry and then look at the stats graphs, it looks like the entry was for an earlier time, or even an earlier or later day. If I go through the bg grid where the entry was made and change every entry to militarty (24 hour) format, it clears up the problem on the graph.
Any suggestions?
Hi efb!
If you click the Button 'Language' on the Register 'Settings' you will find a Timeformat select,
there you can select a Timeformat '24h' or 'am/pm' I think you must select 'am/pm'.
I hope it will be solve your problem...
Hi efb,
if this does not solve your problem, please send me a personal mail to check some more details. I'm pretty sure that we can find out what's going on there... :)
Cheers, Alf.
Hi there,
I know this is an old topic but I'm having the same problem and would appreciate the fix being made public please.
sorry I didn't recognize this post to be pushed again but Jörg was more attentive... ;)
Actually the PPC-Version from 2006 has nothing to do with the current PPC.net version: 2006 we've had an embedded VisualBasic tool, right now the complete PPC binary works with the DotNet ompact Framework.
So if there is a similar issue (I must confess I didn't understand the problem initially described here :rotwerd: ) please povide some more details an we will check it...