
Diabetesfragen => CSII - Pumpentherapie => Thema gestartet von: mbs am Mai 13, 2005, 14:59

Titel: Paradigm 515/715
Beitrag von: mbs am Mai 13, 2005, 14:59
nur so zur Info:

The Paradigm® 515/715 insulin pump is currently only available in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.

For Medicare/Medicaid patients in the United States, we offer the Paradigm 512R/712R insulin pump.

We offer the 508 or 508R in Latin America, Asia Pacific excluding Australia & New Zealand, CEE (ex. Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Croatia), South Africa, India, Israel, Greece

We offer the Paradigm 512/712 in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, CEE (ex. Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland), Middle East (ex. Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, etc...), South Africa, India, Israel

Titel: Re: Paradigm 515/715
Beitrag von: Matthias Widner am Mai 14, 2005, 11:26
Und was ist an der 515/715 das besondere? Woher hast du denn die Infos?
Titel: Re: Paradigm 515/715
Beitrag von: Joerg Moeller am Mai 15, 2005, 11:58
Und was ist an der 515/715 das besondere? Woher hast du denn die Infos?

So wie ich das sehe wurde die 512/712 um Erinnerungsalarme und einen Connect-Point zum BZ-Messgerät erweitert. (Etwa so wie die Cozmo)

Titel: Re: Paradigm 515/715
Beitrag von: mbs am Mai 17, 2005, 13:22
hatte vergessen den Link anzugeben...hier noch weitere Infos...

When you upgrade, you will have immediate access to the following features and benefits:

Medtronic CareLink® Therapy Management Systems for Diabetes: Understanding the blood glucose effects of food, activity and insulin can be a difficult process for people with diabetes. The Paradigm 515 insulin pump comes with secure access to the Medtronic CareLink Therapy Management System. This Web-based system located at http://carelink.minimed.com transforms data from the Paradigm insulin pump, a BG meter and your logbook into easy-to-understand treatment reports for you and your healthcare professional to better manage your diabetes.

Enhanced Bolus Wizard® Calculator: The Bolus Wizard Calculator does the complicated math for you. This dosing calculator uses your pre-set information, your blood glucose reading, your carbohydrate entry and the amount of active insulin still in your body to suggest a bolus amount for you. With the Bolus Wizard calculator there’s no more math or guesswork to worry about. It’s one of the easiest ways to make sense of insulin dosing.

Simplifies insulin dosing
Reduces math errors
Uses a scientific “insulin action curve” to factor in the amount of active insulin left in the body
Note: The Bolus Wizard Calculator can now customize insulin action curves between 2 and 8 hours. The default setting for these curves is 6 hours which most closely represents published scientific data.

New Home Screen Icons : A clock, and battery/reservoir level icons, are now located on the pump’s home screen.

New On-pump Data Management: Allows you to view up to 31 days of delivery history including, basal and bolus amounts (by units and percentage), carbohydrate intake and blood sugar information, such as daily averages, and daily average high and low readings.

New Save/Restore User Settings : You now have the ability to back up all pump settings. If settings are cleared or lost for any reason, you can easily restore information.

New Key Pad Lock Out : Similar to a cell phone, you can now lock the keypad to prevent accidental keypad presses.

ParadigmPAL™: A PC-based software application that enables you and/or your healthcare provider to view, modify, program, and back up pump settings.†