Yesterday Alf set me a link for the new Sub-Forum / Thread for
SiDiary Beta 6 En, which I successfully used yesterday. Today when I used that link to return, an error message appeared that the folder did not exist or that I did not have access.

I did a Forum Search for
SiDiary Beta 6 En. That search returned my previous posts, but not the "
SiDiary Beta 6 En"
Forum folder. When I open any of the relevant posts, the button options are only for Reply, Edit, Delete, Quote and so forth, but the
New Topic button is missing.
Joerg or Alf, please send me the URL for the "master folder" for
SiDiary Beta 6 En, or reset the Forum Board to re-establish it.
The Forum Menu chain was, I believe:
DiabetesInfo-Forum > SiDiary > Beta-Tester Stammtisch > Windows-Client > SiDiary Beta 6 EnI did not want to use "Start new topic" on my own and confuse the issue...