>Data Migration completed, but the last two weeks of data from SiDiary5 PC do not show in the migrated Profile. Older data does appear in the migrated Profile Log Book and Statistics.
It seems that there is something special with your data (not _that_ special since another German user has reported a similiar thing but at least something uncovered yet
). I ran a migration on my own data a second ago and I've got all data within V6. Could you please email me the content of your V5 data-folder so that I'm able to debug the migration? I assume that there should be a special entry within V5 on the day the migration interupted -that means 2 weeks ago?
>Profile Manager (Delete Profiles). This does not consistently delete older profiles. Some times I had to close Build 1161 PC and restart it before a profile was deleted. Other profiles do not delete, although no error appears after selecting and deleting an unwanted profile.
I wasn't able to reproduce that behaviour too. Do you have additional folders within the patient's folder? Please make shure that you don't have an Explorer window browsing the patient you want SiDIary to delete! Because this would set a lock in the filesystem and SiDiary could not delete the folder. When SiDiary tried to delete the patient and didn't show an error message please look at the patient data folder with the Explorer. If the folder is totally empty there was another lock on the folder. If there are files or folders remaining please let me know.
Perhaps tools like "Unlocker" can help to detect which app has locked a folder...
>Terminating Build 1161 using Terminate from the Menu closes the application, but it still appears in the System Tray. Terminating Build 1161 from the System Tray closes the SysTray icon, but Task Manager shows it is still running. I have to use Task Manager > Terminate Process or Terminate Process Tree to close SiDiary6.
Again I wasnt able to reproduce such behaviour?! Which application windows are currently open when you tried to shut down the application? Please look at the Task-Manager activity column before you kill SiDiary's app tree: Perhaps SiDiary is doing some cleanup jobs on termination?!
>Do I understand correctly from the German Beta 6 Forum that a newer build will be posted in a couple of days? Can I use >Beta6PC Update to download the latest Build or should I go to web download link for Beta6?
The newer build will come only if there are new issues fixed. There is the smartphone version coming within the next days...
During the beta period you need to use the beta-download-link/-page for an update because we haven't completed a setup- nor an update-procedure...
I'm not quite sure how to edit the quote above, but here is an update, responding to you, Alf, in the same order as your questions.
Now running Build 1162!With Joerg's help, I was able to resolve an issue with
SiDiary 5 PC and a lost password or username for the Online Database.
SiDiary 5 PC again synchs properly, both with Online and with my HP iPAQ hx2495b Windows Mobile 6 "PocketPC" PDA.

I am not sure if the synch with Online Database helped with the 1161 Data Migration issue, but
Data Migration with Build 1162 was successful. All data as of 1210 today 05 Feb 2009 now appears in the Log Book!
As you requested, I did send my data files by GMail to info (at) sinovo, and, after logging in to SiDiary Online, using
Beta 6 Build 1161. The GMail attachment was modified as suggested by Joerg, so it should not be blocked by the Mail Server.
Build 1162 Data Migration WizardThe Data Migration Wizard automatically found the SiDiary 5 PC data files and (as mentioned above) successfully converted all data. I did notice a small point with Data Migration. The converted Patient Profile this time did not have a patient name, only the check box and [1] for a patient name. However, when I selected Patient [1], all the data appeared. I then used the Profile Wizard to change the Patient Name, enter regimen, birth date, and so forth.
As I have mentioned many times, it would be very helpful to have a note about the format of the birth date (dd/mm/yyy) vs the North American standard of mm/dd/yyyy. Otherwise, without prompting, a North American user would inadvertently enter a birth date equivalent of
06 August 19xx when the
actual birth date was
08 June 19xx.
Patient Profile WizardPatient Profile Wizard works well. However, when asking for a Patient Name, it does not differentiate between Last Name and First Name, but concatenates the specified name on a single line. I had to edit the Patient Profile to enter Last Name and First Name separately.
For test purposes, I add the Build number after the last name to make it easy to determine the Build when printing reports, etc. For example, my current active Patient Profile is
Conrod 1162, John.
Print ReportsIn the past I have commented several times that Print Reports seemed to spool reports immediately to the default printer, especially with Word 2007. I had asked to instead spool reports to the Print Manager so custom Printer Preferences could be used. (I.e., dual sided printing, printer "watermarks", etc.) You can disregard those old comments.

I discovered that if I used the
Preview function from the SiDiary 6
Print Menu, the Word RTF report template does use Print Manager when the file is opened in Word 2007. If I use Print > Preview reports from Beta 6, Word 2007 opens the report rather than just spooling the RTF directly to the printer. I then can use the Word 2007 Print Menu to specify any desired Printer Preferences such as dual sided printed as I desired.
I suggest adding this feature or explanation of SiDiary 6
Print > Previewto the Print Function in the User Manual.
Print >
PDF produces a Windows Print Manager error that no PDF printer is installed.
Note: All test Reports were printed to my
Epson Style CX5800F All-in-One Inkjet Printer, Scanner, Copier, Photo Printer, Fax on U.S. Standard 8-1/2 x 11 Portrait layout inkjet paper.
Report TemplatesStandard-Farbe-mitGrafiken.rtfObviously, the
Patient Profile header in the Report is still in German. The RTFs need to be translated to English, and a few terms converted such as BZ to BG, and BE to BP.
Otherwise, formatting and printing continues to work well. The Graphs also print properly, even using dual-sided printing.

Weight Graph is mislabelled as
It would be helpful to have the
Bar Chart included in this Report Template.
NovoStyle report is fine. The labels in the BG Charts are already in English!
Trend graphic: Date range line is in German, needs to be translated to English.
All other Graphs print perfectly and except for Trend date range, appear in English.
Overall initial response to Build 1162: 
Warm regards,