v6PC 1167 and v6PPC.Net 112Following the advisory in the 1167 ZIP, I deleted the old V6 Data from the data store on the HP iPAQ hx2495b WM6 PocketPC PDA.

SmartSync was problematic and the
Sync progress window just ran but did not complete. I'm not sure if this Sync status window is from
SmartSync or
Windows Mobile Sync because the sync progress windows are identical for both pipes.
Both Windows Mobile (WM) Sync and SmartSync launch very quickly on my PC, I thought either sync module may have populated data on the PDA too soon so that data conversion did not have time to launch or complete.
Therefore, I undocked the PDA, then deleted the hx2495b from SmartSync details. I terminated PPC.Net 112 on the PDA. I next deleted all data from the PDA offline using PocketPC File Explorer.
I next docked the PDA. When the PDA was connected by USB, PC 1167 SmartSync rediscovered the hx2495b. I set SmartSync details to sync the last two months of data To PC and From PC. I also unchecked Sync on Program Start, and checked Sync on Terminate and Permanent Sync.
This synch did complete and PPC.Net 112 displayed current detailed logbook data on the PDA which matched detailed logbook on the PC 1167.
I then changed SmartSync details to Sync All Data. SmartSync completed, although with the Nutrition.dat error. Nevertheless, all data was synced to PPC.Net 112.
New detailed Logbook entry in PC 1167 not synced to PPC.Net 112Nutrition.dat error persists: With the PDA still docked to the PC, I entered a new BG, Bolus and Basal entry in PC 1167 detailed Logbook. SmartSync manual sync showed a sync progress window.

After a few seconds the detail Logbook screen on the PDA PC.Net 112 displayed Slave Mode. The sync progress window reported Nutrition.dat missing error and the PDA detail Logbook 112 did not show the update.
Windows Mobile File Explorer browsed to PDA \My Documents\SiDiary6PPC\ confirmed that Nutrition.dat does exist on the PDA. Windows Explorer on the PC showed that Nutrition.dat does exist on the PC's SiDiary6 Data directory.
This may well be related to Vista UAC and possibly some conflict between the sync "data pipes" between Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 and SmartSync.
Work-Around of Manually deleting .DAT files from PDA using Windows Mobile Device Center not always successful.With PC/1166 PPC.Net/111 and earlier, I could usually delete selected .DAT files from the PDA data store, then SmartSync successfully after a new Logbook entry. This would work whether I used PC based browse to the data store on the PDA or manually deleting the files using PocketPC File Explorer on the PDA. I could also selectively delete .DAT files from the Windows Mobile File Sync in WM Device Center 6.1.

With PC 1167 to PPC.Net 112, this method is not effective. What seems to work best is to work through SmartSync using the Globe icon. I need to select the hx2495b then go to Details. I uncheck all boxes, then delete the hx2945b from SmartSync and immediately undock the PDA. I then can terminate PC 1167, redock the PDA, and use WM6.1 File Explorer to delete ALL files from the PDA SiDiary6PPC data store. Alternatively, I can use the slower but identical method of using PocketPC File Explorer to delete ALL files from the \My Documents\SiDiary6PPC data store. (Obviously this is two methods that are functionally identical to browse to the data store on the hx2495b.

I then launch PC 1167 and redock the hx2495b. When WM Device Center 6.1 connects to the PDA, in PC 1167 detail Logbook, I use the Globe symbol to open SmartSync settings. I select the rediscovered hx2495b. In SmartSync Details I check the device, To PC and From PC boxes, and time range of All Data. I close Details, then SmartSync. The PPC.Net 112 screen changes to Slave Mode after a few seconds, and the sync finally succeeds.

This workaround seems the most effective for the moment, but the process is painfully tedious.
Alf, under PC 1167 I also found a couple of data entries that seemed to be duplicated or placed in the wrong date. I did not see this with 1166, so need to manually review Memory on my BG meter and compare that with the V6PC Detail Logbook. Could be a 'Duh!' on my part, but I will post whatever I find from the Meter > Logbook comparison in a separate note.

I admit that I have been so pleased with v6 progress, that I have not updated my v5 data for a couple of weeks! As a retired tech "pro" and person with DM for almost 40 years, it is important to keep accurate records and to backup backup backup. However, at this moment it would take some time to bring v5 up to date.
Joerg, I've also looked at the newest Templates, and they look good. For clarity I will post those comments separately.
Warm regards to all,