Autor Thema: SiDiary on Smartphone  (Gelesen 4907 mal)

Offline robgl

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SiDiary on Smartphone
« am: November 24, 2004, 23:33 »
I got an Orange SPV C500 yesterday and decided to put this application on it.  Not very familiar with the directory structure yet.  Was going to update the language and copied over the english file, but can't seem to find the .ini file

May be having a daft day but advice would be apreciated.


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Re: SiDiary on Smartphone
« Antwort #1 am: November 25, 2004, 10:17 »
Hi Rob,

the ini-file will be created on the very first start of the SiDiarySmp executable.

If you want to use SiDiary in English, it's enough to copy the SiDiaryEn.txt file to SiDiary's base folder and start the application because when it finds the EN-file, English will be taken as the default language!

The language selection from within the app will come soon!

HTH, Alf.
« Letzte Änderung: November 26, 2004, 08:55 von Alf »
DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
Diabetes Software, Windhorst, Helden der Kindheit

Offline robgl

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Re: SiDiary on Smartphone
« Antwort #2 am: November 26, 2004, 00:07 »
Thanks, hmm I started it before I copied the file.  Will reinstall and take it from there.  Many thanks

Offline iegje

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Re: SiDiary on Smartphone
« Antwort #3 am: Juli 29, 2005, 23:23 »
I have the same problem, what exactly is the SiDiary's base folder and where can I find it.

DM1, disetronic Accu-Chek Spirit pump, Humalog
Acer n10/SPV C500

Offline Alf

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Re: SiDiary on Smartphone
« Antwort #4 am: Juli 29, 2005, 23:54 »
Hi Irene,

what problem are we talking about? You have posted to a very old thread about an early beta version for the smartphone.
This has nothing to do with the current release version 5.0.119... :zwinker:

You can install the smartphone app from within SiDiary on the desktop: Go to the settings tab and click on the setup-button.

Let me know, if I can assist you in other questions (and perhaps in another language ;) )!

Cheers, Alf.
DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
Diabetes Software, Windhorst, Helden der Kindheit

Offline iegje

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Re: SiDiary on Smartphone
« Antwort #5 am: Juli 30, 2005, 00:05 »
Hi Alf,

I already installed it with the Sidiary on the desktop. (I have the current released version V5.0.122) But I get the German language on my smartphone. It's the only language I can choose.

DM1, disetronic Accu-Chek Spirit pump, Humalog
Acer n10/SPV C500

Offline Alf

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Re: SiDiary on Smartphone
« Antwort #6 am: Juli 30, 2005, 00:14 »
Well in this case the smartphone installation wasn't completed in total!
But you can easily copy the language files that you want to have on your smartphone with the windows explorer: Just go to the desktop folder in that you have installed SiDiary. You will find several language files called SiDiaryXX.txt (xx are wildcards for the language abbreviation, i.e. SiDiaryEN.txt, SiDiaryNL.txt etc.)

Copy those files, go to the folder where SiDiary has been installed on your smartphone (default target is \Storage\Program Files\SiDiary but perhaps you have chosen to install it on a storage card?) and insert the language files in that folder.

Restart SiDiary on the smartphone and go back to the settings - the languages should be there now... :)


Cheers, Alf.
DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
Diabetes Software, Windhorst, Helden der Kindheit

Offline iegje

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Re: SiDiary on Smartphone
« Antwort #7 am: Juli 30, 2005, 22:51 »
Thanks Alf,

It works, now I can use it.  :super:

DM1, disetronic Accu-Chek Spirit pump, Humalog
Acer n10/SPV C500