SiDiary > SiDiary English

Import problem


Hi! I’m using SiDiary for a few days and finding it very convenient for me. Thanks a lot! Previously I simply used Excel for PPC to log my BG. I tried to import this data through *.csv file but encounter such a problem. All data was imported successfully but the real times from the [TIME] field of my *.cvs file were replaced by the “Default time slices” from Settings tab. Id est I lose the time structure of my records. Is it possible to manage such a problem?

Hi Glaz,

just send me your csv file and I will check what has happened. :)

I would expect that maybe fieldnames for the time stamp could have caused such trouble but it's just a small thing, when I will start the import with a debug session!

Cheers, Alf.

Thanks for such quick and constructive answer!
The "PDA_data.txt" is sent to your mail with a topic "SiDairy import problem from Glaz"

Hope to here from you soon … It seems I will refuse from my Excel log 8)
By, and thanks again!


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