Thanks Jorg (sorry, no umlaut on this British keyboard!)
Thank you for educating me - up till now I always truly believed that 'under 4' was hypo, didn't even know the 'clinical' definition was 2 point something (it varies from 2.2 to 2.8 on the websites I have trawled since reading your reply!) Of course I do realise the 'difference' ie if I am under 4, I need to do something about it immediately whereas if someone 'normal' was 'normally' a bit under 4 - then that would be 'normal' LOL Isn't this internet a wonderful thing?
Fortunately I have also got a VERY understanding husband, who even knelt on the floor to administer a glucagen jab to me when he had a broken leg, a broken collarbone and (at the time undiagnosed - long story, don't ask!) 5 broken ribs and a collapsed lung. Thank God. (we won't mention the projectile vomit either LOL)
I had a number (but isolated) of 'ambulance/hospital' incidents during the period 1972 - 1998, I had a fairly spectacular one about 5 years ago whilst out with my husband, we weren't far from the hospital where we were but unfortunately we were on the motorbike, so he had to call an ambulance. The A&E doc told us we could get a Glucagen kit on presecription, so we did. At the time I was on Humulin which turned out (after me suffering a number of 'close calls) to be a faulty batch!!!
My doctor said it couldn't possibly be the insulin because it was clearly 'in-date' - I was at my wits end because my BS was swinging all over the place. In desperation I consulted the pharmacist at Boots - who immediately telephoned Eli Lilly - who instantly slapped a recall notice on it!!
Since the last time I renewed my prescription (April 2005) it hasn't been used. (Exp April 2008!)
I have no idea now what my BS was after the McDonalds (that incident was about 2 yrs ago) - I always 'largely' ignore the after-effects of a hypo (and the treatent thereof) for several hours (or overnight if they occur in the evening) because I have absolutely no idea at what stage, or how much, the glucagen 'dump' from your liver affects the BS - or whether there has even been a 'dump'. I didn't even know about 'liver dump' until the doc at telford explained it to me! Does it ALWAYS happen after your BS reaches a certain level; what is that level, how long after the drop in BS does it happen, how much does it increase your BS?

And is there any definitive info I can get, to tell me how many grams of carbohydrate are in a banana thickshake? I usually avoid them - but it would be nice, just to be able to indulge myself 'once in a while' without pure guesswork!!
I do know that the other evening about 45 mins after treating a hypo (1.9) I had a sudden 'hot flush' and remember thinking 'Oh no - I thought I was over that!' - as I am a woman of a 'certain age' LOL - then I wondered if it was caused by 'liver dump'? (And if so, how many times in the recent past when I woke up during the night with a 'hot flush' - was it actually really a hypo?)
I carry Lucozade too, as I can usually drink quite easily. (and have a large handbag LOL) I do find it difficult to chew, just after a hypo though - I bet those sandwiches tasted like sawdust! Best for me by far, is something sloppy (eg Weetabix & hot milk) or a few eg. digestive biscuits dunked in coffee.
And yes, I do USUALLY test before driving - always in a morning before I go out, or if I am taking a 'non-commuting' drive at any time - but it's the coming home from work drive when testing is not automatic. Always seem to be in such a rush to get out of the building so they can lock up, (and I'm always very pleased to get out of there, let's be truthful!) then 5 min walk to the car - I usually think 'sod it, I feel ok .........' I know I shouldn't; perhaps confessing this on here will make me see the error of my ways. It's not the fear of crashing the car or damaging myself (would be my own fault) - it's the danger of who I might take with me, of course.
Yes, I feel VERY guilty indeed now, and promise to do it, starting tomorrow!
And I decided to go back to the previous timetable so today I had 'usual' Novorapid with breakfast & lunch, 10u Lantus at lunchtime and will 'do' 4 tonight - and see what happens.
Thanks again for your support.