Autor Thema: Insulin correction suggestion  (Gelesen 3172 mal)

Offline Matt_C

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Insulin correction suggestion
« am: April 15, 2007, 21:46 »
Hi, me again, sorry to be a pain  :P

I noticed that when I have a blood sugar level of 65 or below, I don't get a insulin/BE suggestion from SiDiary.

If I change the value to 66 or above, I instantly start getting the suggestion from SiDiary again.

I tried playing around with the BG-Target in my profile, but it didn't make any difference.

Is this normal? or have I missed something in the settings?

Thanks again,

CSII Minimed Paradigm 722, Bayer Contour Link, SiDiaryW32, SiDiaryPPC,

Offline Alf

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Re: Insulin correction suggestion
« Antwort #1 am: April 16, 2007, 09:37 »
Hi Matt,

that's a hardcoded limit for the bolus suggestion "safeguarding". Below from 65 most people are already or are at least close to a hypo.
Depending to the skills of the user (imagine a recently diagnosed rookie) a bolus suggestion for let's say Mövenpick ice-cream :zwinker: with lots of fat covered by Humalog would be really critical in such situation... ;)

Best, Alf.
DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
Diabetes Software, Windhorst, Helden der Kindheit

Offline Matt_C

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Re: Insulin correction suggestion
« Antwort #2 am: April 16, 2007, 11:15 »
Hi Alf,

Yes I see what you mean, and its a good idea.

I'm still a rookie (diagnosed 10 months ago), so I forgot that if I ate something fatty then my blood sugar rises slower than for "less" fatty foods.

Thanks for the quick answer -great support!  I bought SiDiary on Saturday and I'm really happy with it.

best regards

CSII Minimed Paradigm 722, Bayer Contour Link, SiDiaryW32, SiDiaryPPC,