Hey Angela,
Sorry for the slow reply time, I don't check this forum very often...
To answer your questions:
Yes, I'm north european :-)
I found SiDiary quite soon after being diagnosed with diabetes type 1 in june 2004- I quickly grew very tired of the big ugly sheet for my blood sugar values ;-) I've tried a couple of programs for saving blood sugar values, but liked SiDiary the most (And it runs on my smartphone - Yay!)
You want to know a little about me? Hmm well...
I'm 21 years old now but was 21 when my disease was diagnosticed. I was a little surprised when I got the "news", as I'm a very active person. I do bodybuilding a couple of hours, 5-6 times a week, and I did often run 5-10km's, I ate 5-6 well balanced meals well spread through out the day etc etc. Think you've guessed my point by now: I considered myself as a very healthy human being (Especially compaired to most of my friends

Guess I felt a bit injustified that I would end up as a target for a disease this serious.
Now, 8 months later, I pretty much have learned to live with it. Okay, I hate not being able to eat 500grams of candy while watching a movie or two with friends, but other than that it doesn't really bother me to inject insuline 4-6 times a day. Really, it doesn't.
My blood sugar values is usually around 10-12mmol/l and yes - It is too high - But I'm working on it...
Do you have diabetes too or...?