Autor Thema: Hi Kim Biesbjerg Andersen  (Gelesen 2944 mal)

Offline Angela

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Hi Kim Biesbjerg Andersen
« am: Oktober 19, 2004, 17:59 »
Hi Kim! Let me welcome you. Do you come from North of Europe? I think because of your name.
How did you find us? Would you like to tell us something about you?  :kratz:
 :unschuldig: LGAngela :unschuldig:

Offline Kim Biesbjerg Andersen

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Re: Hi Kim Biesbjerg Andersen
« Antwort #1 am: März 03, 2005, 19:43 »
Hey Angela,

Sorry for the slow reply time, I don't check this forum very often...

To answer your questions:

Yes, I'm north european :-)

I found SiDiary quite soon after being diagnosed with diabetes type 1 in june 2004- I quickly grew very tired of the big ugly sheet for my blood sugar values ;-) I've tried a couple of programs for saving blood sugar values, but liked SiDiary the most (And it runs on my smartphone - Yay!)

You want to know a little about me? Hmm well...

I'm 21 years old now but was 21 when my disease was diagnosticed. I was a little surprised when I got the "news", as I'm a very active person. I do bodybuilding a couple of hours, 5-6 times a week, and I did often run 5-10km's, I ate 5-6 well balanced meals well spread through out the day etc etc. Think you've guessed my point by now: I considered myself as a very healthy human being (Especially compaired to most of my friends  ;))

Guess I felt a bit injustified that I would end up as a target for a disease this serious.

Now, 8 months later, I pretty much have learned to live with it. Okay, I hate not being able to eat 500grams of candy while watching a movie or two with friends, but other than that it doesn't really bother me to inject insuline 4-6 times a day. Really, it doesn't.

My blood sugar values is usually around 10-12mmol/l and yes - It is too high - But I'm working on it...

Do you have diabetes too or...?
« Letzte Änderung: März 03, 2005, 19:49 von Kim Biesbjerg Andersen »

Offline Angela

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Re: Hi Kim Biesbjerg Andersen
« Antwort #2 am: März 03, 2005, 22:25 »
Hello Kim, thank you for your story.
Bodyboulding? He super.  :super: Do you have problems with sport and diabetes?
Super, its better to learn to live with it, but I know its hard.
Yes I also have diabetes since almost 9 jears. It was very hard for me to accept it. But know its ok and I have to live with it.
I am in an fitness-center and I also make bodyboulding..... okok, a little bit  ;D,
I am sorry, my english is not very good, but I hope you will understand.
 :unschuldig: LGAngela :unschuldig:

Offline Kim Biesbjerg Andersen

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Re: Hi Kim Biesbjerg Andersen
« Antwort #3 am: März 12, 2005, 22:11 »
Hey Ang :-)

Naah... No problem concerning sport and diabetes... I think I manage okay... Only experienced low blood sugar mid-training once. I always carry some raisins og chokolate with me, when I workout... ;-)
Do you by any chance know of a person who does _real_ bodybuilding and know how to manipulate with insuline to maximize results?

How old are you now? You're from Germany I guess?

Your English is fine, I understand fully :-)

Btw, my average blood sugar value the past 4 weeks is 7.2 mmol/l !!! Yaaaay! Hehe...

/ Kim

Offline Angela

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Re: Hi Kim Biesbjerg Andersen
« Antwort #4 am: März 13, 2005, 13:04 »
Do you by any chance know of a person who does _real_ bodybuilding and know how to manipulate with insuline to maximize results?
No sorry. One of our Trainer in our Fitnesscenter is a weight-lifter. Do you know what this is? And he told me that he had a Colleague which also hat Diabetes and he always had something to eat and he always controlled his Sugar.  And he tould me that he always eated dried Fruit like Figs. But I think you have to eat much and you have also to take Insulin, but only half of normal Volume.
How old are you now? You're from Germany I guess?
Ups, I am 44 jears old and I am coming from Austria
Your English is fine, I understand fully :-)
Thank you, but it`s hard to write in Englich, because I don't know most of ther Vocabularys. But I habe a Dictionary.  ;D
Btw, my average blood sugar value the past 4 weeks is 7.2 mmol/l !!! Yaaaay! Hehe...
:super: its ok, but it would be better, if the value could be a little bit smaler, just a little bit. ok? Could you try it?  :super:
 :unschuldig: LGAngela :unschuldig: