Autor Thema: Problems with PPC.Net  (Gelesen 4059 mal)

Offline rpm10k

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Problems with PPC.Net
« am: Mai 20, 2007, 19:42 »
I downloaded and installed the trial version of Sidiary this weekend on both a Windows XP Pro PC and on a iPaq rx1950. I was unable to use the software on the iPaq at first because it said that the trial version had expired even after installing the latest updates, but I found that if I set the date back to Jan 1 2006 I could use it, but with problems because of the wrong date.
I went ahead and purchased Sidiary and the trial error has gone away, but I have since found other problems.
1. In the settings tab, when the screen is in the default Portrait mode, there is no way to scroll down past the "Default time slices" unless I put the screen in Landscape mode, then the scroll bar is present.
2. The Novo NovoLog Bolusinsulin has a Acting duration of 0 which does not cause any error messages on the PC, but the PPC will display a error and not show this insulin in the pull down. I "fixed" this by putting a number in the PC version and re-syncing, but I do not know what the number should be.
3. I am still learning the software so I do not know what this icon means. But on the Profile tab the first icon on the bottom looks like a calculator. When I select it my screen displays a message very quickly and Sidiary closes down. I have not been able to read the entire message yet, but it starts off saying "An unexpected error has occured in SiDiaryPPC.exe"
4. Again, on the Profile tab, when I choose the icon that looks like a needle to edit the Insulin/Pills and select one to edit, the I select Menu and Edit, it deletes the entry instead of editing it. Then I start getting errors again but instead of a name it says "%1".

The PPC.Net version is 5.1.39

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Re: Problems with PPC.Net
« Antwort #1 am: Mai 21, 2007, 11:19 »
Hi rpm10k,

1. on the settings tab there is a checkbox for Scrollbars. Please try to check this box and see if (probably after restarting the app) could help in landscape mode.

2. The Novolog (Novorapid) bolus insulin is a rapid acting insluin like Lilly's Humalog and though the duration is of course strongly dependant of the person using it, it should be something about 2-3 hours.

3. This error will be fixed with 5.1.40 which hopefully will be availble this day. I will drop you a line when it is availble!

4. I couldn't reproce this behaviour at this moment but we will check if we can dig samething out... ;)
DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
Diabetes Software, Windhorst, Helden der Kindheit

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Re: Problems with PPC.Net
« Antwort #2 am: Mai 21, 2007, 14:50 »
Version 5.1.40 is up on the web and resolves issue #3 and #4! :)
DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
Diabetes Software, Windhorst, Helden der Kindheit

Offline rpm10k

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Re: Problems with PPC.Net
« Antwort #3 am: Mai 22, 2007, 02:35 »
Thanks for such a quick fix Alf!  I've installed the update and 3 & 4 are fixed and changing the setting did fix the scrollbar issue.

Offline rpm10k

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Re: Problems with PPC.Net
« Antwort #4 am: Mai 22, 2007, 17:40 »
I forgot to ask.  Is there any way to get the BG-Graph into 12 hour format?  The PPC already is (can't find a way to change it to 24 hour).

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Re: Problems with PPC.Net
« Antwort #5 am: Mai 23, 2007, 09:16 »
Oups, how could we forget this setting on the migration... :rotwerd:
5.1.41 is up but if you want to avoid downloading the ~5MB package you could also set the appropriate key in your sidiary.ini file on the PPC:

DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
Diabetes Software, Windhorst, Helden der Kindheit