
Ich hab was gefunden, das mich total begeistert!!

Banting, einer der Erfinder des Insulins, hat ja 1923 den Nobelpreis dafür bekommen - unten der Link zu seiner Rede bei der Übernahme des Preises. Ich hab die Rede zum ersten Mal nun GANZ gelesen, am Anfang ists arg technisch, aber so ab ca dem 24. Absatz ( nicht stöhnen, NACHLESEN!!) wirds spannend....
hier einige kurze Zitate:
In severe cases insulin was administered subcutaneously three times a day, from one-half to three-quarters of an hour before meals. This was done so that the curve of hypoglycaemia produced by the insulin was superimposed on the curve of hyperglycaemia produced by the meal. In rare cases a small fourth dose was given at bed time to control nocturnal glycosuria. The less severe cases could be satisfactorily treated on a morning and evening dose or a single dose before breakfast.und noch weiter unten - die Hypo-Beschreibung!!!
The onset of hypoglycaemic symptoms depends not only on the extent, but also on the rapidity of fall in blood sugar. The level at which symptoms occur is slightly higher in the diabetic with marked hyperglycaemia than in a patient whose blood sugar is normal. und - er spricht tatsächlich schon von 1923!!! von Harntests die Diabetiker SELBST machen sollen
All diabetics who have not an adequate knowledge of the dietetic treatment of their disease should be admitted to hospital in order that they may receive instruction in the preparation of their calculated and weighed diet - that they may learn the qualitative tests for sugar and acetone in the urine - that their carbohydrate tolerance may be accurately determined; and that the use of insulin, if required, may be safely institutedund sein Schlusswort:
Insulin is not a cure for diabetes; it is a treatment. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1923/banting-lecture.htmlsehr beeindruckt