Autor Thema: SiDiary on Nokia E60 Smartphone  (Gelesen 4355 mal)

Offline mjlaris

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SiDiary on Nokia E60 Smartphone
« am: Oktober 03, 2006, 00:05 »
I have been using SiDiary on my PC for about 6 months and it works great.  It has really helped me get control of my Diabetes.  I went from an HbA1C of over 10 in January to a HbAiC of 5.5 currently.  I have also been running SiDiary on my Pocket PC but I'm trying to switch to using my new mobile phone, a Nokia E60 (Series 60 3rd edition).  I have installed the Java version and it installs and runs fine but I cannot get it to synchronize with my PC.  I've tried 2 different Bluetooth adapters and three different Bluetooth stacks (Microsoft, Widcomm, and IVT).  My PC can see the phone and I can synchronize with my PC but I cannot get SiDiary to synchronize.  Has anyone here gotten SiDiary to synchronize on a Series 60 3rd edition smartphone?  If so, what phone and how?  Thanks,


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Re: SiDiary on Nokia E60 Smartphone
« Antwort #1 am: Oktober 04, 2006, 13:38 »
Hallo an alle, die über Bluetooth(BT) synchronisieren möchten,
leider ist es so, dass die  BT-Synchronisation funktioniert unter WindowsXP nicht, da WindowsXP einen eigenen Treiber für BT-Stick benutzt. Dieser ermöglicht es nicht, einen Dienst(siehe %SINOVO%SiDiary\Install\Java mobile\Synchronisation.doc) anzulegen, mit dem man sich dann verbinden kann. Da Windows 2000 bzw. 2003 heutzutage eher wenige Privatleute nutzen, nutzt diese Art der Synchronisation nicht viel. Daher habe ich die überarbeitet und sie kommt mit der nächsten Version raus. Allerdings mit der Einschränkung, Daten nur vom Handy zum PC synchronisieren zu können.

mjlaris: Lese bitte die Doku unter %SINOVO%SiDiary\Install\Java mobile\Synchronisation.doc durch, um zu erfahren, wie man mit SiDiary synchronisieren kann. Ausser BT-Synchronisation gibt es auch noch die Datei- und Emailsynchronisation. Falls du aber über BT synchronisieren möchtest und WindowsXP benutzt, musst du die nächste Version abwarten. Sie kommt demnächst raus. Wenn du das nicht hinbekommst, melde dich mal wieder.

ps: Alf, hilf mir bitte mit der Übersetzung :-))
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Re: SiDiary on Nokia E60 Smartphone
« Antwort #2 am: Oktober 04, 2006, 13:49 »
Uhh, ok, I'll try to figure out the main facts...

Patrik found out that there's a problem with Windows XP which supports bluetooth features with an own driver. This own XP-driver does not support connects as described in %SINOVO%\SiDiary\Install\Java mobile\Synchronisation.doc.

Patrik will enhance the Java mobile version so that it can send data via bluetooth to a Windows XP desktop computer but this new communication feature will not support bi-directional communication so that you will be able to send data from your mobile cellphone to the PC but not vice versa.

Please check out the forum for news about a new Java Mobile version with the new sync method for XP-connections.

Mark: Patrik asked you to read the above mentioned documentation and to check wether you can use one of the other possible sync mechanisms with your cellphone.

Hopefully I understood all information from Patrik...but I will talk to him about this phenomenon to get more technical infos ;)

Cheers, Alf.
DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
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Offline mjlaris

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Re: SiDiary on Nokia E60 Smartphone
« Antwort #3 am: Oktober 09, 2006, 07:35 »
Yes, the email sync works.


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Re: SiDiary on Nokia E60 Smartphone
« Antwort #4 am: Oktober 09, 2006, 10:31 »
Meine Seite über Diabetes:
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Offline Alf

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Re: SiDiary on Nokia E60 Smartphone
« Antwort #5 am: Oktober 09, 2006, 18:26 »

together I received further information with the XP bluetooth problem.

Basically the trouble happens with XP ServicePack 2 only. The SP installs a Bluetooth stack from Microsoft which does not allow to configure a bluetooth service with a user-defined name just as we desxcribed in the Sync.doc for the bluetooth sync...

Patrik has found a website with instructions how to deal with this MS Bluetooth stack which isn't popular by many users...but this site is in German only... :-\

Probably there are English hits with similar instruction pages...

Cheers, Alf.
DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
Diabetes Software, Windhorst, Helden der Kindheit