hello all,
I have the One Touch Ultra Smart meter and I'm taking Lantus (basal) and Novolog (bolus) insulin. I decided to take a lot of control with my meter by telling it I take 3 types of insulin, Lantus, NovCORR, and NovCARB (the two nov insulins are novolog but i want to be more precise so i made those names up). I wanted to be able to track how many units of novolog i take for corrections and how many i take for meals instead of only seeing one number. It seems the One Touch Ultra software is able to differentiate the Novolog (novocorr and novocarb) stuff but the sidiary is having a problem with all three insulins. For starters, I went to profile and selected Lantus as the basalinsulin and novocarb and novocorr as the bolusinsulin and clicked save. I sync the meter with the software and instead of putting the lantus entry on the basal line und BG-GRID screen it puts it on the bolus line. As for the two types of novolog (for basal), i see two different colums under a certain time but when i move the mouse over the number it shows that both are novocorr instead of one number being novocarb and the other novocorr.
Hope this makes sense....