If I may ask a wish:
I've sent _many_ , _really many_ update-info emails for the release from today and my mailbox just exploded for bounced emails!
Nothing to say against protecting your personal email addresses with spam cops and naturally there probably comes the point that you even have to deactivate your email account if the spam quota is too high but ...
PLEASE consider to unsubscribe with your old email address if it's not valid anymore.
If you don't like to be notified about updates or hotfixes...
PLEASE consider to unsubscribe with your email address instead of putting my one to your spam cop.
And since we are talking about email addresses:
SiDiary can be downloaded
without the need to leave just a single email address, so why are you giving me unreachable nonsense?
(Like a@a.com, test@test.com, info@sidiary.org, erstmal@testen.de, fuckyou@rself.com)
Alf (a bit frustrated).