Hello and sorry for my bad english.
Well i've just downloaded and installed SiDiary V5 Trial on my computer and my PocketPC iPAQ.
I was interested by this product to transmit datas from my Accu-Check Go to my PocketPc (not my computer) with infrared port.
These 2 products (Accu-Check go and iPAQ) have infrared ports but i can't find the way to transmit datas...
I've read on the Accu-Check Go documentation than in infrared mode, he waits for a signal to start the transmission. So is there a way to transmit datas directly to my PocketPC?
I precise that first, i've tried the Sidiary V4 (which is free

) but i had the same problem... unable to find a "start command" from your soft

Thx for your response(s)
Best regards.