Autor Thema: Accu-Check Go and SiDiary 5 - Infrared  (Gelesen 4130 mal)

Offline Kasimodo

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Accu-Check Go and SiDiary 5 - Infrared
« am: August 16, 2005, 19:15 »
Hello and sorry for my bad english.

Well i've just downloaded and installed SiDiary V5 Trial on my computer and my PocketPC iPAQ.
I was interested by this product to transmit datas from my Accu-Check Go to my PocketPc (not my computer) with infrared port.
These 2 products (Accu-Check go and iPAQ) have infrared ports but i can't find the way to transmit datas...
I've read on the Accu-Check Go documentation than in infrared mode, he waits for a signal to start the transmission. So is there a way to transmit datas directly to my PocketPC?

I precise that first, i've tried the Sidiary V4 (which is free  :zwitscher: ) but i had the same problem... unable to find a "start command" from your soft   :gruebeln:

Thx for your response(s)
Best regards.

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Re: Accu-Check Go and SiDiary 5 - Infrared
« Antwort #1 am: August 16, 2005, 19:30 »
Hello Kasimodo

At the moment you can only transmit Datas to the PC.  I don't know if Alf has this on his To-Do-List.

regards Olaf
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Those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Re: Accu-Check Go and SiDiary 5 - Infrared
« Antwort #2 am: August 16, 2005, 22:42 »
In fact we tried to get supprt from Roche for their Accu-Chek meters but they told us, that they don't want to support us and did not provide any specification for all of their meters.

But we are working on other ways for the meter communication and if the infra red data beaming works on PC we will also try to support this feature by PPC and Smartphones.

But unfortunately I cannot say anything about a schedule because it's hard to implement drivers without any spec... :-\

So please watch out the news and at this forum for further news about Accu-Chek series! :ja:

Cheers, Alf.
DM 1, ICT mit Lantus/Humalog/Insuman Rapid, Freestyle Libre, SiDiary Win & Android
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Offline Kasimodo

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Re: Accu-Check Go and SiDiary 5 - Infrared
« Antwort #3 am: August 17, 2005, 21:05 »
Well, thx Alf and Olaf but their software (Accu-Check Compass v1 or v2) is not compatible with PocketPc... only Palm  :patsch: (tested and ... not approved!)
So they don't have any driver for PocketPc to send you and therefore, can't help "you" to develop one.
The only thing i know about their poor software is he sends a signal to the Accu-Check Go to initiate transfer... which one? Good Question.

Conclusion: I doubt any firm can't make them concurrence.

But.. thx for your responses.
If you need any beta tester, you know who call...  :knuddel:

Best regards

Offline pzsysa

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Re: Accu-Check Go and SiDiary 5 - Infrared
« Antwort #4 am: September 15, 2005, 14:21 »
It is a pity that a large corporate like Roche can be so small-minded.
I have been using Accu-chek meters together with the Accu-chek Compass software for quite some time.
I now own a Pocket PC and a smartphone but unfortunately Roche does not keep up with technology and I had to look for other software.

Glad that I found your great software !

I will now buy your software and go and purchase a compatible meter and support the companies who support you.