I previously used Diabetes Pilot on the Palm and it is very helpful to be able to designate a category for each glucose reading. I also have an erratic schedule and you can't tell from the time of day whether it is before lunch, after lunch etc.
I'm using Glucopilot V1.5 on my Palm Vx
In that program each time you added a BG reading a list of categories popped up (which you could edit in the settings function - for example "after exercise", "after hypo" etc) and you selected the category for the reading.
You could then do your statistics based on specific categories or all the data. I can see that this will be my biggest problem is switching over to Sidiary.
The selection based on categories is very helpfull
How do you associate a Remark with a specific time?
I wrote a script to convert the GlocoPilot-Notes into a readable SIDIARY format.
My last fix included the timestamp to a note. So you can associate the time to a note
If you like to have a look at my converter, goto
http://www.andi-heitzer.de an navigate to 'DIABETES' on the left.
At last use the section ' Mein Glucopilot mit SIDIARY'.
I hope you can understand a little bit german. Otherwise i have to write a short intro in english
Greetings Andi